Samsung And Micromax To Stop manufacturing 2G Phones

Samsung 2G phones

Samsung and Micromax  are going to stop the manufacturing of 2G phones as their business in this segment is sharply going down. They have reached to the decision to put a full stop on manufacturing of 2G enabled devices. Lets dig into the issues which compelled them to pull the brake in manufacturing. All the companies are flooding the market with low budget smartphone and the prices of smartphone is also coming down and now-a-days its within the reach of consumers with low budget.

Samsung 2G phonesSamsung 2G phones

Samsung and Micromax 2G Phones Will Be Out of Market Soon

The first thing that comes as one of the prime issue is the competition between various operators where all the operators are rushing for 3G and 4G connections and the prices has come to the reach of general people. All the people of smart generation wants more speed and they don’t want to wait at all. That’s why all the companies got into the competition to grab customers by providing maximum data speed in low price. Demand of 2G has been decreased drastically and has come to 5% market share while in the last year it was 25%.

Perhaps this was the main reason behind discontinuation of 2G phones from their offerings. The existing lot of the products may be the last, after that these phone will be a history and people will take the name of these devices to remember the journey of mobile phones.

Amit Bhattacharjee: Simple words make extraordinary reverberation when exact string of thought is triggered.
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