WWE 2K17 DLC Pack Leaks: New Moves Including Finisher Packs Revealed


WWE 2K17 is back in the news, and this time it is for the leaks that have been revealed worldwide. It is for the second time that such a leak has been revealed even before the official release of the DLC pack of this series. which is quite unbelievable. And these leaks have revealed that there are a number of new moves that would be made available in the new upcoming WWE 2K17 DLC pack.

WWE 2K17 DLC Pack has been revealed through various leaks

This is for the second time that such an incident has happened with 2K games which are the official developer of the game. Previously they have been found wanting when the Legends Pack DLC got revealed even before the official release. And once again there has been a leak revealed much before the official release has been done.

And once the leaks have been received, it has spread like wildfire. There are lots of new moves that have been included in the new upcoming WWE 2K17 DLC pack according to the leaks that have come out in light. There have been a number of new moves that have been revealed which include finishing moves for both the individual characters in the game WWE 2K17 as well the as the tag teams.

WWE 2K17 DLC Pack: Finishing Moves

Finishing MovesNames of Characters/Tag Teams
Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker Kazuchicka Ocada
Ankle Lock 2 and 3Kurt Angle/Ken Shamrock
Arm-Trapped Crossface 2Johnny Gargano
B.F.TEli Drake
Back Suplex Facebuster 2DJ Z
Bridging Fujiwara ArmbarTomasso Ciampa
Deadlift Falcon ArrowMichael Elgin
Diced BreadJohnny Gorgano
Diving CodebreakerBUSHI
Diving Elbro DropZack Ryder
Eight Second RideJames Storm
Electric Chair DriverKenny Omega
Electric Chair Half Nelson DriverShane Strickland
Euro Uppercut ComboNoam Dar
Face Wash ComboSamoa Joe
Fallaway Moonsault SlamTrevor Lee
Fire Ball PunchKenny Omega
Fireman’s Carry Side SlamKenny King
Fujiwara Armbar 3Zack Sabre Jr
Full Nelson Reverse STOJohnny Gorgano
Gory Special FlatlinerCage
Gordbuster GTSTomasso Ciampa
Headstand HeadscissorTJ Perkins
Jumping Knee Strike 7Seth Rollins
Middle Rope NeckbreakerJohnny Gargano
Pop Up CutterRandy Orton/DDP
Pop Up KickTJ Perkins
Rope Hung FlatlinerTomasso Ciampa
Sit Out Chicken Wing FacebusterRyuske Taguchi
Sit Out Full Nelson FacebusterUnknown
Slingshot SpearJohnny Gargano
Snapmare And Single Leg DropkickJohnny Gargano/Roderick Strong
Straight Jacket BackstabberTyler Breeze
Swing Out NeckbreakerCharlotte
TJP ClutchTJ Perkins
Two AmigosTJ Perkins
Vertical Leap Senton BombAkira Tozawa
Wrist Clutch Level PullZack Sabre Jr
Brainbuster/Roundhouse KickreDRagon (Tag Team)
Fist Drop/Shooting Star Press ComboTM 61 (Tag Team)
Super Kick/Knee Smash ComboTeam DIY (Tag Team)
Thunder ValleyTM 61 (Tag Team)
WishboneTM 61 (Tag Team)
TJP 1 and 2TJ Perkins (Taunt)

With the new release being revealed early fans are expecting that the official release of the WWE 2K17 DLC Pack might just not be too far away from now. The official release of the game happened in the month of October. And speculations are there that the leaked Pack of WWE 2017 version. might be released in the month of December which is not too far away from now. However, nothing has been officially revealed by 2K Games, and we might just have to keep on waiting for the official release of the WWE 2K17 DLC pack.

However, it is definitely going to be interesting once the WWE 2K17’s official DLC pack is made available in the market. The game WWE 2K17 has been brought out in the market by 2K Games for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One gaming consoles, and the currently available DLC pack includes the Legends Pack and NXT Pack besides the Goldberg Pack.

Argha Ghosh:
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