Find the Perfect Personal Trainer with V-Training App

Finding the right personal trainer to match your goals, schedule, and budget can be tough. With so many trainers out there who have different training styles and techniques, how do you choose, let alone find, the right trainer for you?

A game-changing app has hit the market and it’s called V-Training by Vent-Up. V-Training, coined the “Uber for personal trainers and fitness instructors,” allows prospective fitness clients to explore and choose personal trainers in their local area, effectively eliminating the stress and struggle of the search process.

The app is straightforward. By inputting their exact location, clients can see all of the participating personal trainers nearby via the V-Training map. Each trainer has their own full profile with their schedule, location, as well as photos and videos to showcase their workout style, facility, and more.

Once the client decides on a personal trainer, they simply request a time slot and receive confirmation from the trainer within four hours. Also, for those who do not have the time or prefer to workout virtually, V-Training also has an online coaching option. Trainers can create 6-day training and nutrition plans and send training plans and videos via the built-in photo interaction and messaging system.

Clients and Trainers can also keep track of their schedules and workouts with the calendar tab, which marks appointments and sends weekly reminders. Finding a personal trainer has never been easier.

The app is currently expanding rapidly in Vent-Up’s home city of Washington, DC, as well as New York, California, Maryland, Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Arizona.

Vent-Up also has plans to launch an online shopping platform for fitness related items produced in the USA. Check back for future news on Vent-Up and V-Training.

If you’re interested in V-Training, you can download the app for Android and iOS.

Aranyak Ghosh: Love to skip ads on YouTube, play games and I have no fixed plans in life. One more thing, I really don't understand Instagram
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