Retro Gamers: Piko Interactive brings back Iron Commando & Legend to Super Nintendo

Retro Gamers rejoice!  Today, Piko Interactive launched an indiegogo campaign to bring two legendary Super Nintendo games back to market.  The two games are: Iron Commando and LEGEND.

The retro video games Iron Commando usually sells for over $400 on eBay and LEGEND sells for $299 on eBay!

Piko Interactive has acquired the full rights to both games from Hyderdevbox, allowing the company to launch the games in English and release NTSC and PAL versions of them. Piko says that the game carts will be assembled in the United States, and the boards will be soldered right in their shop.

To order Iron Commando and Legend visit Indiegogo.

About the Retro Games:

Iron Commando

In 1995, Iron Commando, a Japan exclusive Beat’em up, was released for the SNES. Currently, the game is one of the most expensive for Super Famicom in the second-hand markets, and can sell at over a $400 value for the version that still includes the original packaging.

Game Story

Take control of either Jake, a soldier, or Chang Li, a martial arts master, in your quest to stop G.H.O.S.T. from capturing a radioactive meteorite.

10 levels of brawling action with many unique experiences such as riding in a Jeep, mine cart and even a motorcycle. 2 player simultaneous play, stereo sound plus new experiences never experienced in a brawling game before. Punch, kick, shoot and beat your way through the G.H.O.S.T. thugs to get that meteorite back for the good guys.


LEGEND, released in 1994 and also for the SNES, is a Beat’em Up with a fantasy setting, featuring a co-op 2-player campaign, boss fights, and awesome 16-bit graphics. Almost impossible to find, a second-hand cartridge of LEGEND can sell for between $100 up to $300.

Game Story

Beldor the Maleficent reigned as a despot over the kingdom of Sellech for one thousand years. All was chaos and destruction. Many knights went on a final crusade to destroy Beldor but none returned. The people united, built energized heroes and imprisoned Beldor’s soul. Now, Clovis, corrupt son of the King of Sellech, wants to harness Beldor’s power and conquer the kingdom.

Aranyak Ghosh: Love to skip ads on YouTube, play games and I have no fixed plans in life. One more thing, I really don't understand Instagram
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