I-Ride Disrupts eBoard Industry with Unique Shape and Top-Notch Performance

I-Ride is a new eBoard to hit Indiegogo today with a shape sure to catch your eyes. Made of aluminium, I-Ride’s unique shape promises stability and durability unlike any other board. The company behind the eBoard, I-Ride Technologies, explains that this special footing position keeps most of the rider’s weight directly above the wheels for balance, which prevents the board from flipping over. So, riders get the stability of a longboard, but the portability of a penny board. This is especially helpful for those new to eBoards.

I-Ride has a top speed of 12 mph, and it’s pro version will go a whopping 20 mph with a 20% grade. The boards use in-wheel direct drive motors to propel them forward and each has a 20-mile range on a single charge. To stop, I-Ride is also equipped with electromagnetic braking. By turning the board off, riders can even use it as a typical skateboard and will not find any resistance. This is the beauty of I-Ride’s maintenance-free in-wheel hub motors. All of this is controlled by a remote controller which also has cruise-control to lock in a certain speed.

“I-Ride Technologies was born out of a passion for skateboarding and a need for solving the mundane daily commuter life,” says  Brad Gausewitz, CTO of I-Ride Technologies. “We’ve had a love of skateboarding since as far back as we can remember and as soon as eBoards started to hit the market, we were the first in line. We live in a busy city, so eBoards are an easy, fast, and fun way to get around. Our goal is to bring the world’s most sleek, unique, portable, and easy-to-ride e-board to market.”

As a next generation eBoard with its design,, performance, user-friendly technology, and the portability to fit in most backpacks, I-Ride plans to change how commuters travel.

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Aranyak Ghosh: Love to skip ads on YouTube, play games and I have no fixed plans in life. One more thing, I really don't understand Instagram
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