Categories: Tech News

Google Rolls out Chrome 65 with Security & Design Updates for Android, Mac, Linux and Windows

Google has started rolling out Chrome 65 browser and is now available for Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux users as well. Chrome 65 for Android version includes major security improvements along with a host of new features and upgrades targeted for developers. While the browser variant for Windows, Mac and Linux users primarily has developer upgrades along with some security fixes for the regular users. It will be available for download on all compatible devices in the coming weeks.

As per the latest release update by Google Chrome team, Chrome 65 for Android also features a new language menu that will enable all users to set their preferred language for browsing all sites using the browser. A user can set his preferred language by going to Settings> Languages. It also features a new accessibility option that enables a user to view all web contents in a simplified manner. To turn on this feature, a user can dive to Settings> Accessibility settings. The latest version of the Chrome browser also provides an easy way to share or delete downloads from the downloads page.

Chrome 65 for Android version also includes support for TLS 1.3 draft 23 that will roll out soon by a field trial. This TLS (Transport Layer Security) standard has been designed to improve the security of the web browser. Google has also added a new CSS paint API that will enable developers to generate an image programmatically whenever a CSS site requires an image. This new feature has been designed to improve the data efficiency of the new Chrome browser.

The Google Chrome version for Mac, Windows, and Linux users includes 45 major security fixes. It also features a new server timing API that will enable developers to measure the performance of different web applications by capturing the speed of both the server host and the client. The new version also supports TLS 1.3 draft 23 just like the Android version along with the CSS paint API.

Aranyak Ghosh: Love to skip ads on YouTube, play games and I have no fixed plans in life. One more thing, I really don't understand Instagram
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