Categories: Startups

SocialEarn Offers a New Way for Nonprofits to Fundraise and Engage Supporters

TopTopic, an online platform and uplifting space to create, discover, discuss and earn from compelling content is quickly becoming a popular posting site. While similar to Reddit, anyone from writers and artists to commenters and curators can post and earn money whenever they get an upvote.  

This week, TopTopic launched SocialEarn, a new way for nonprofits to fundraise and engage current and potential supporters. With SocialEarn, nonprofits can easily post updates, share news, blogs, comments, and creative work and earn donations directly on the content that is posted. They can also receive donations directly on their profile page. Each piece of content is a continuous fundraising opportunity. Nonprofits can enjoy the increased exposure and be introduced to TopTopic’s charitable and growing community and with the “Pay It Forward” feature, site members can even dedicate future earnings to their charity of choice.

For those nonprofits concerned about the recently approved tax plan, SocialEarn will allay fears by offering new avenues for nonprofits to connect with and receive donations from supporters. All earnings and donations can be cashed in at 100% of the value, which also allows nonprofits to avoid any costly processing fees they may run into on other fundraising sites.

SocialEarn has already received early attention from a number of participating nonprofits including, Babies of Homelessness, International Civil Society Action Network, Palestine Children Relief’s Fund, Rape and Abuse Crisis Center, and the National Iranian American Council.

If you’re a nonprofit and interested in registering, you can do so here.


Aranyak Ghosh: Love to skip ads on YouTube, play games and I have no fixed plans in life. One more thing, I really don't understand Instagram
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