Why You Should Be A Scrum Product Owner?

Why You Should Be A Scrum Product Owner?

Agile principles and its methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, and Continuous Development have virtually taken over the world of software development. Companies are now constantly on the lookout for some capable professionals, who can practice what Scrum preaches. Scrum product owners are definitely considered to be an integral part of implementing Scrum principles, and companies are recognizing their need at the workplace too.

What are the benefits of Scrum?

In many cases, a lack of flexibility in the development of the product could lead to detrimental effects over the long term. Owing to difficulties in pivoting because of the work that has been done, it can be difficult to change with the market.

However, in the case of Scrum, it is easy to make quick changes owing to the use of Sprints.

Cost control is an amazing feature of Scrum and one of the most useful ones too. The approach n development is always via fixed budgets and timescales, so the client always knows how much time it takes to build something and what each of the features cost.

Developing complete slices of functionality, therefore, makes cost analysis and control extremely easy, compared to other processes. This way, companies can make better decisions in the future.

Who is the PSPO?

The PSPO holds the singular accountability towards the product which is going to be released. This means that he should be able to make quick decisions, and understand what is right at the stage for the development of the end product.

Sprint planning is the duty of the PSPO. Each sprint has to be planned with a  proper end goal in mind, and this must be translated to the development team and the client in advance. Inputs from all sides must be considered and implemented, too.

The PSPO is just a person and not a committee – and he should think like a person who is in charge of the entire product. This way, he can abnormally terminate the Sprint and make the tough decisions in case the Sprint goal itself becomes obsolete.

Feedback from the end user, as mentioned earlier, is also extremely helpful in determining how the product must be improved. Therefore, the PSPO must always remain in touch with the market trends, and this is done by releasing the beta versions after each sprint for testing.

What is a Professional Scrum Product Owner Training?

Professional Scrum Product Owner Course is an intensive, experiential two-day workshop which deals with teaching aspiring students about what is expected of them as a Product Owner. The Professional Scrum Product Owner Training is usually conducted by Scrum.org, and the students are coached to clear the Product Owner tests too.

The course covers topics like Agile Product management, the Scrum Framework, and release management over the two days. Also, value-driven movement and the scrum principles and the empiricism associated with it are covered along the way. The certification has two levels – PSPO I signifies an intermediate understanding of Scrum fundamentals, while the PSPO II reflects an advanced understanding and experience in Scrum.

Binayak Chatterjee:
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