Categories: Mobiles

Huawei is Expected To Release 5G Enabled Chip This Year

Huawei is Expected To Release 5G Enabled Chip This Year

Huawei is going to release something interesting this year, after getting banned from all US manufacturers it started developing its own OS and chips. That was quite interesting and it will be a delightful moment to experience the battle of customer acquisitions by Huawei’s own chipset and famous Qualcomm’s Snapdragon line up!

Its OS development is at the last stage as per its official statements and that’s expected to be 60% faster than Android while it was working on chipsets as well.

Qualcomm blocked all its business relations with Huawei when US government banned US companies to work with Huawei over a security issue!

Though Huawei uses maximum chipsets manufactured by its own unit having a brand name of hi-Kirin, it buys some chipsets from Qualcomm to support some high-end Android devices like Huawei’s P series devices! Out of nowhere, Huawei has released news that it’s working on a modem that can throttle 5G data speed easily and it will keep it embedded in its own Chipset!

We are expecting that Huawei will release two new chipsets this year and it may provide a commercial buying option for all the other brands as Qualcomm does, it’s looking like that Huawei is coming to a market where vertical competitions are present. Expectedly in November Huawei will release its chipsets.

Amit Bhattacharjee: Simple words make extraordinary reverberation when exact string of thought is triggered.
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