Categories: Apps

The Most-loved Apps of 2019

The Most-loved Apps of 2019

Today, there’s an app for almost any service or product out there. For instance, if you are looking to stream music or your favourite shows, shop online, book a flight or reserve vacation accommodation, there are multiple apps for that. Also, there are device-specific apps, so you should check developers’ insights to know whether a specific app or a certain version of it is compatible with your second hand, older device.

The past couple of years have seen an app gold rush as companies strive to automate offerings and leverage customer engagement while third-party developers use APIs to customize apps for various target groups and smartphones (for example, the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 among others) operating systems such as the Android and iOS platforms. Here are some of 2019’s favourite apps so far.


You can use this app to save and share videos, emails, articles and other content that may interest you while you surf the internet. While Pocket is similar to apps such as Evernote, it’s a consumer favourite due to its ability to track content that’s most important to you as per your online browsing and recommend similar reading material. Additionally, an in-built assistant can read the captured articles or emails to you, which is a distinguishing factor for Pocket.


Spotify is the biggest and most popular music streaming app with music enthusiast. With a presence in 61 countries, a library of 35 million songs, nearly 160 million active users, not to mention its unique features, Spotify rivals other music streaming apps to claim the position of the most favourite.


Amazon is undoubtedly the most resourceful ecommerce enterprise. Their app is even more popular with online shoppers. The availability of a wide variety of products is reinforced with Amazon’s use of localisation which enables consumers to find real-time offers at stores nearest to them diminishes consumers’ attention to Alibaba, eBay, and other apps in its class.   


Gone are the days when entertainment lovers were subjected to only a few show options on TV. Video-on demand apps such as Netflix, Hulu, and HBO have opened up a whole new world of amusement. Based on the largest subscriber-base of over 5 million, Netflix is a fan-favourite for blockbusters, comedy specials, drama series, and short films.  


Uber is the number one cab-hailing app for riders right now. It has a wider reach across the globe in terms of availability and usage. It’s estimated to have operations in close to 400 cities. Over 7.5 taxi drivers and riders use the app making Uber the most favourite cab service app. 

Google Maps

Few if any Android or iOS navigation apps come close to Google Maps. The app is almost a one-stop shop if you are looking for information on traffic, places of interest, directions to specific destinations and much more. More than anything else, Google Map’s unique features have made it the most favourite navigation app in 2019. There are lots of ways to enhance your Google Maps experience. Maptive, which builds on GM’s functionalities, enables a host of new options like customized maps and the ability to draw radius on map.


From live streams to all sorts of videos, YouTube gets a higher preference by internet users. In 2017 Google (YouTube’s parent company) reported that 25% of YouTube users are on mobile devices and that the use of the YouTube app has seen a 300% increase from 2012 to date. The app is also light and has a fast response rate. Twitch is equally popular, but YouTube remains the favourite in 2019 so far. 


Users are fond of the Airbnb app because of the diversity of accommodations it offers. Unlike top rated hotel and travel apps, Airbnb enables you to secure all sorts of accommodation: vacation homes, apartments, villas, among others that can be categorised as alternatives to hotels. It’s a great tool for budget holidays.


Instagram is one of the most popular apps in 2019. That’s because it’s grown to become more than a social media platform. Among its 500 million monthly active users are individuals and connecting through images, videos and instant chats. Business have also favoured Instagram for marketing campaigns to drive sales in 2019. The engagement tells it all: it’s 58 and 128 times higher than that on Facebook and Twitter, respectively.


TikTok is one of the latest social apps to hit the app stores. It’s a cool app for creating and sharing short funny clips and other creative videos. Check this out. TikTok took just 2 years to get 500 million monthly active users, Facebook and Instagram took 6.

Moreover, 41% of TikTok users are aged between 16-24 years, while 23% of Instagram users are aged between 16-24. So, is TikTok the new Instagram? Time will tell, but it seems to be overshadowing Instagram in terms of usage and downloads by the younger demographic in the first quarter of 2019. And that’s in the United States alone.  

The compilation above sums up the most preferred apps that consumers can’t seem to get enough of in 2019. They provide superior user interface and experience on both new and second hand gadgets, and are overall the most downloaded and used on the app stores.

Amit Bhattacharjee: Simple words make extraordinary reverberation when exact string of thought is triggered.
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