5 ways to speed up business productivity

speed up business productivity

Most people in business are well-aware of the many benefits to be gained from improving productivity across the company and, especially, your employees. The benefits of productivity are obvious and widely felt when implemented in a business environment.

speed up business productivityspeed up business productivity

Continue reading to discover our favourite tips for speeding up business productivity.

Consider cultural fit when hiring

Most  companies with a clear company culture – the values, ethics, expectations and goals that you perpetuate in the workplace – will consider “cultural fit” to be important when hiring new employees.

Hiring for cultural fit – and also thinking about how your new employees will shape, contribute and evolve your company culture in the future – can bring many benefits that will increase collaboration and, consequently, productivity across your company.

Communicate clearly

Communication is essential in improving productivity and encouraging the development of healthy, working relationships. Poor communication can lead to confusion, a lack of purpose and most importantly, zero accountability. All of these problems result in mistakes being made and goals not being achieved.

A business that communicates well, performs well. This is why it is worth investing in reliable communication technology; ensure your employees are reachable, connected and focused with Voice, Data and Mobile Services by Gamma – this will maximise communication and mitigate conflict.

Empower your workforce

Empowerment isn’t just about delegating tasks, but about delegating responsibilities and ensuring your staff feel like they’re contributing fundamentally to the success of your organisation. Science supports the assertion that managing less will indeed lead to better results – as unbelievable as that may seem at first.

Listen to your team members, discover their qualities and understand their potential. By supporting partnerships between colleagues, you can trust that these collaborations will deliver results.

Improve workforce conditions

When a company has a stressful environment, employees will either leave for greener pastures or they stay and become unmotivated to do better with their work. Such are the negative effects of an uncomfortable and unrewarding workplace.

Make sure that your employees know that you, as a company, appreciate their work and that their efforts are not overlooked. If you do this, there’s a much higher chance that they will stay for longer in your company.

Most importantly, be flexible!

People, now more than ever, are demanding flexibility in their working hours. Business leaders are beginning to take notice and recognising this change as an opportunity to increase productivity. Many employees may feel like they work more effectively at certain times of day – outside of the traditional working-hour binary. Depending on the restrictions of their role, would it be such a bad idea to have them work when they’re at their most productive?

Sometimes, committing to a 9-5 feels like an impossible task. Taking employee wellbeing into consideration, a member of staff arriving at work rushed off their feet probably isn’t going to be capable of delivering their best work.

An employee forced to work unsociable hours may keep turning in – but their performance will likely suffer to such an extent that it makes no sense to adopt this approach. Be flexible – consider the benefits of alternate hours and remote working – and see corresponding increases in productivity.

Ammy: Aditya Dey is a proffesional blogger cum Internet Marketer cum entrepreneur from India. He loves to read and write about technology and startups. He owns several authority blogs and startups.
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