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The Benefits of Self-Service Marketing Solutions

Customers have become ever more sophisticated in today’s business world. If you’re a distributed brand manager, properly understanding the implications of local marketing is central to the success of your business. Self-service marketing should form a key part of your global marketing strategies.

This way, it will be easier for you to offer personalized and tailored services to meet the ever-growing needs of your clients. Many business organizations are now applying self-service marketing techniques to optimize their campaigns at local levels.

When implemented effectively, local marketing strategies can deliver excellent returns. For example, in 2017, Google established that business organizations recorded $2 returns in revenue from $1 investments in local marketing strategies such as AdWords — and Facebook made returns of 152%.

However, when you are launching local marketing strategies across a distributed network, challenges may creep in, especially for corporate marketing teams. To improve the efficiency of their local marketing strategies, local marketers need to consider adopting self service marketing solution such as those offered by Troparé.

Top 4 Benefits of Self-Service Marketing Solutions

By using self-service marketing, local companies can gain access to compliant marketing materials (templates). With target messaging working hand-in-hand with personalized brand experience, good things can come out of self-service marketing.

When properly implemented, self-service solutions for franchises and affiliate marketing teams can deliver great value to distributed networks. Discussed below are the top 4 benefits of self-service marketing solutions.

Reduce costs

You can use self-service marketing to cut costs across different aspects of your enterprise. First of all, you can segment the local audience according to their geography and demographics. This way, your targeted campaigns will run at a lower cost; meanwhile, the conversion rates will likely be better than those from mass advertising.

Examples of low-cost and high-impact tools for local marketing are social media platforms and local websites. Comparatively, these are less expensive than traditional marketing channels such as print media.

Increase productivity

When your business adopts the best self-service marketing solutions, you can easily optimize your campaigns for higher gains. Local marketing teams can communicate effectively even when they are not involved at the corporate level.

All in all, marketing teams can maximize their productivity by focusing more on strategic initiatives. Local marketers may already have access to a lot of recommended marketing tools, so there will be no issues with managing several hundreds of franchises.

Improve analytics

When combined with the appropriate analytics tools, self-service marketing solutions will create big opportunities for your company to gain vital insights and visualize the journeys of your customers. Corporate marketers can take charge of tracking their local marketing strategies for more insights on their geographic performance.

In this era of big data analytics, companies that are driven by data and analytics tools are performing best in their industries.

Increase Sales

Over 83% of consumers head for the internet to research products before ordering them from suppliers. When potential customers start using digital channels to research your products and services, it means that having a professional local business website counts.

The same is true for registering your presence on social media and tweaking your content to gain an advantage in local SEO. Google Inc has estimated that about one-third of all mobile searches share deep roots with locations. Two-thirds of smartphone users are more likely to order products from businesses whose digital channels have well-optimized location information.

The bottom line is that self-service marketing solutions are beneficial to local marketers as these tools allow them to run more effective campaigns and increase their returns. Therefore, if you are a local marketer, tap into self-service marketing solutions today.

Aranyak Ghosh: Love to skip ads on YouTube, play games and I have no fixed plans in life. One more thing, I really don't understand Instagram
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