Categories: Gaming

Makers of Call of Duty, Activision Buys Candy Crush Maker for $5.9 billion

The makers of globally sought-after first person shooting action game “Call of Duty” buys King Digital Entertainment, the maker of another widely popular mobile game “Candy Crush Saga” for $5.9 billion deal. Activision Blizzard, the maker of call of duty is planning to go all-out-attack on the mobile gaming market and hike same amount of popularity as PCs, Play Stations etc.


According to the officials of Activision, the company is planning to move towards the Smartphone and Tablet gaming market from Consoles and PCs. And it is also trying to attract different kind of audience approaching to Activision’s game as it failed to gain the attention of women globally, by its violent action game.

P.S. Rebellion recently gave a hint about their upcoming action game ‘Sniper Elite 4‘, check if you are waiting eagerly for it to release.

Now it is becoming more and more important to focus on the mobile gaming market along with the PCs and gaming consoles. This is the main reason behind Activision’s takeover of King Digital Entertainment, the make of rashly popular mobile game ‘Candy Crush’.

The company also experienced a drop in sales and profit in recent years, which give rise to Activision’s thinking of making their game available for both console and mobile format. Ac, cording to the CEO David Lord the move of buying King Digital Entertainment was expensive but still important that would help the company in near future.

At, Present with advance technology it is also possible to play mobile games in consoles, so it is becoming really very vital for globally well-received gaming company to make a different version of their popular game for mobile format. Activision’s aim by accruing the Candy Crush Saga makers is to raise company’s revenue to $36 billion by the end of 2015.

As of now, most people play free Smartphone games, playing paid games in mobile format is not really in the trend yet. But the story for globally acclaimed gamed “Call of Duty” could be different as people may not mind to pay up to $60 for games like it.

According to the officials, takeover of King Digital Entertainment will make Activision one of the world’s biggest entertainment company with half billion active players that too in 196 different countries. Activision is also planning to widen by fifty percent in four years by making its games available for both mobile and consoles.

P.S. Dead Island 2 Release Date has been delayed to 2016, check all the latest update regarding it.

Aranyak Ghosh: Love to skip ads on YouTube, play games and I have no fixed plans in life. One more thing, I really don't understand Instagram
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