Amuleto: a Sterling Silver Bracelet that Could Save Your Life

In cases of assault or abduction, cell phones are not the most efficient way to call for help. Fortunately, in recent years emergency alert wearables have entered the market with the purpose of preventing these horrible situations by providing a discreet, quick method of calling for help. However, while it is obvious that every women should have some sort of emergency alert wearable just in case, many still do not own one. One couple believes they know why, and with their new Indiegogo Campaign, they hope to change that.

Meet Amuleto: a gorgeously crafted sterling silver bracelet with genuine leather straps designed by Mindaugas and Dovilė Butnorius. While going through the many emergency alert wearables to purchase, the couple noticed something peculiar – many of the devices available are made with rubber or plastic and were not quite fashionable enough to be worn with any outfit. Thus, Amuleto was born.

“Very often we hear shocking news of young women being kidnapped, sexually assaulted or even murdered. What we realized is that many of these situations could have been prevented if the victim had had a chance to call for a help immediately,” says Dovilė, “Therefore, we decided to start developing a very small Bluetooth Low Energy device that would fit as regular fine jewelry. A solution women can feel confident wearing. After almost two years of extensive research and development, we finally developed a perfectly working Amuleto and now want to deliver it to as many people as possible. ”

Amuleto works by having a small, discreet button on the side of the bracelet. As soon as the person wearing Amuleto feels in danger, all they have to do is hold down the button for two seconds. Amuleto will then send an alert message with the current location to a pre-chosen list of emergency contacts. Contacts are designed in the Amuleto App, which is available for both iOS and Android. Amuleto is also equipped with a rechargeable battery that lasts 3 weeks.

Get your Amuleto now: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/amuleto-sterling-silver-safety-jewelry



Aranyak Ghosh: Love to skip ads on YouTube, play games and I have no fixed plans in life. One more thing, I really don't understand Instagram
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