Categories: Tech News

Google versus Twitter – Which one’s a better news resource


Twitter is the most widely used social media application where people share information, views, opinions, or data in the form of tweets. It is a platform where many huge issues or subjects becomes the center of discussion. It is a place where people can write short posts of 140 words, known as tweets. One big advantage of Twitter is that it helps to promote your product and services to a huge number of people.

Along with a best social network, twitter has distinguished itself as a best news resource. Twitter has made its name in the world of journalism. Nearly everyone has access to it, and also it is cost effective. Now a days, mostly people collect information online that is through the internet. Throughout the up rise of twitter, we can see how tweets are being used as quotations over the newspapers by reporters. Twitter proves to be a great resource of collecting news and information. It updates its audiences minute by minute. In the past, people used to sit in front of their television screens for the news but now with the increasing awareness of the social media, people visit social media apps for news. On Instagram, anyone can get instant instagram followers.

Twitter is public

Another good thing on the part of twitter is that it is public. Some accounts might be private, but the majority is public. You don’t have to wait for the other person to let you in unlike other social media applications. It is public, which means that the tweets are visible to everyone. You can easily get yourself connected to new people via twitter. It is not necessary that you should be followed back by the other person. You can even view their tweets if they are not following you back. Though, a single tweet consists of 140 words only, but even then it is a great source of information.

Google – As a news resource

Google is an American established search engine, which we all use every day to search for information, images, maps, weather, news and what not. If we do not get the meaning of anything, the first thing that comes in our mind is to google it. Every day, people look for something on google every other minute. Google+ is also a great source of communication and networking. Alike twitter, google accounts are also public, but the users can limit the viewers and they can allow the audiences of their choices to view their accounts.

Along with that, google has now become a news resource. It has also introduced Google News, which is a great source of providing news.

For You: Google news has established a For You section, which brings to you the top five stories of the world. It keeps you updated with every news of the world.

Newscasts: Another section is known as newscasts, which brings forward different articles, images, videos or quotations on one concern.

Full Coverage: If you’re deeply interested in some subject, Google offers you another section known as Full Coverage which tells you the complete story and the sources of news i.e. what sources helped them in collecting that news.

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