Blockchain For Impact Hosts Inaugural Summit at the UN on frontier technologies to power the SDGs


Over 400 innovators, entrepreneurs and investors came together at the Inaugural Summit in NYC to co-create innovative solutions to accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event was hosted by Blockchain for Impact, a collaborative convening, advocacy and action platform designed to serve the growing community of conscious leadership reflecting the full breadth of the global blockchain ecosystem as it seeks to engage with leaders from the UN system.

The Blockchain Commission for Sustainable Development was established in the margins of the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly in 2017 to develop a multi-sectoral framework to support the UN system — along with Member States, Intergovernmental Organizations, the private sector and civil society — in utilizing blockchain-based technologies to develop local, national and global solutions for the most pressing issues of our day.

Throughout the day, leaders came together to launch the first Blockchain for Impact Subcommittees addressing topics such as supply chain transparency & traceability, global health & emergency relief, digital identity, Earth systems, refugee rescue, shelter & resettlement and financial inclusion.

Additionally, delegates at the event had an opportunity to engage with BFI Working Groups representing the following key emphases across all subcommittee activities:

  1. Capacity Building & Growth to Scale
  2. Smart City Operating Systems
  3. AI & Data Sovereignty
  4. Youth-Led Innovation
  5. Social & Environmental Impact Metrics, Monitoring & Evaluation
    6. Diversity in Blockchain
  6. Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Countries & Small Island Developing States.

The Opening of the Summit featured several senior officials from the United Nations who highlighted the importance of blockchain and other frontier technologies to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. Members of Blockchain for Impact (BFI) were invited to participate in an exciting series of impact-oriented events and task forces — not just during the summit, but throughout the year.

Through the Commission, Blockchain for Impact members will engage with leaders from UN Member States and UN agencies on industry governance, regulatory standards, and social impact projects. Members will work closely with those leading the SDGs and supporting UN efforts — through its Funds, Programs and Specialized Agencies — to apply blockchain technology to sustainable development and humanitarian challenges.

“Today we are sitting at one of the most important times in human history; the imperative for action around the advent of new technology is not only an opportunity, but our responsibility,” stated Sergio Fernandez de Cordova, Chairman, PVBLIC Foundation & Vice-Chair of Blockchain Commission for Sustainable Development to the full room. “It is time to start building technology with purpose, heart and conscience that is scalable globally.”

Closing remarks and acknowledgements were provided by Mr. William Kennedy, Officer in Charge, UN Office for Partnerships and Mr. Dennis Kucinich, former U.S. Representative from Ohio. “We have a dream and this is it – this is the dream for a new UN, you all represent that and Blockchain for Impact. The entire marketplace is here, and I am profoundly grateful for this!” stated Kennedy.

More information about this initiative can be found at: ​​


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