How to find UDID Number of your iPhone/iPad

Apple is known for its encryption process worldwide; it did not change their encryption technology (256 bit) even after the recent tussle with FBI (Federal; Bureau of Investigation). Unique Device Identifier is the sequence of 40 characters which is a combined form of letters and numbers. This number is device specific, and every Apple device has a unique UDID code. Simply it’s a serial number which is very hard to guess. If you want an example you can see here- 2b6f0cc904d137be2e1730235f5664094b831186. It’s impossible to break without knowing it.

UDID Numbers for beta testing

Why UDID is needed

Now the point comes what is the need of this serial number? Simply, what is the use after all? Let us clear it. Using the iPhone in your hand, you can use the permissible apps from the official store of Apple. But what if you want to try a Beta version? Apple mobile operating system, iOS does not provide permission to test anything with it until and unless you get a UDID number. Putting this number into you developer account (If you have one) can test any beta version apps. Now the point comes- how will you obtain a UDID number for your iPhone? What is the process? What are the criteria?

How do get my UDID?

At first, if you want to give an app with a beta version, you need to get a UDID number approved by Apple. Here we are going to tell you how to get a UDID number easily using simple application to Apple. Follow the steps below-

  1. Plug the iPhone into your computer and copy it from iTunes.

To get your UDID, you have to plug your phone into a computer and copy it out of iTunes.

Do Copy/Paste from iTunes

Apple updates its UI frequently, and here the screenshots we are proving may not match up with the recent one. But don’t worry everything will be all right and all options will be pretty same. You will get “Device Page” and “Serial numbers” there in the page, even may be at the same side and the same corner.

Connect the Phone and Launch iTunes

Once the phone is connected, check all the things like name, software, version, serial no and capacity of the phone. You may find these all on right side.

UDID Numbers

  • Check the identifier on clicking on the Serial No
  • Click on the “Edit” option on the top left and click on the “Copy.”
  • Paste the “number” and mail it to your Email:

How to get UDID number

That’s all. Try it yourself and if you face anything, let us know that. Please share the hurdles you have experienced here in below by dropping comments into the comment section.

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