Categories: Gaming

Need for Speed 2017 Reveal Coming Shortly, EA Confirms

Need for Speed 2017

There is a new Need for Speed game on the horizon, and as little as we know about it, EA has been teasing it a lot lately. This time, however, the publisher has finally shared some reveal information to look forward to.

Need for Speed 2017Need for Speed 2017

Recently, a couple of teaser images were put up on the official Need for Speed Twitter account which, frankly, did not go to show much. All you could see was a bunch of smoke- or dust- or fog, from end to end. But many took this up as a kind of challenge, passing the images through rigorous sessions of Photoshop or just adjusting their display settings. And what they came up with was a possible hint at the location of the upcoming game.

Well, now EA has once again shared that same image of a car amidst a whole lot of smoke, but this time, they have toned it down to showcase a foggy cityscape. NFS fans, however, have already been a step ahead on that front. But the picture in today’s tweet comes with some additional, and important, information that you couldn’t miss if you wanted to. So to sum it all up, Need For Speed 2017- we do not quite know if that will be the launch title- is getting a full reveal on June 2, with specific time slots provided for LA, London, and Sydney. You can stay tuned to the official Need for Speed YouTube channel, which is where we assume the reveal trailer will go up.

What we are particularly looking forward to is the unveiling of the location for Need for Speed 2017, considering how much it has got everyone worked up. One look at the city skyline in the picture and you will see that the tower on the right has a very telling presence. But camps are divided over what that could mean- some suggest the new game will be set in Seattle, with the building being a clear representation of the Space Needle; while others are of the opinion that the city they see is Vegas, and the structure is none other than the Stratosphere Tower.

Only one way to find out. Stay with us to find out all about the reveal in due time. And with the kind of hit EA took with Andromeda’s release this year, we hope this one doesn’t disappoint.

Saptadipa Mukherjee:
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