Klove Knob is Your Stovetop Personal Assistant

When it’s time to cook a meal, the internet is the quickest place to turn to find a recipe. But once you start getting your hands dirty, it’s difficult to keep your devices clean between handling food and going back and forth between the intructions. In addition to that, timing is crucial for many components of a meal and having to constantly pause to look at the recipe can affect the final outcome. Klove Knob is here to change that.

Launched on Indiegogo today, Klove, the intelligent stove knob, is the next addition to your smart home and kitchen. With voice-guided recipes and real-time monitoring of cooking with IoT enabled sensors, Klove promises a perfectly cooked dish every time.

After an easy installation, simply turn Klove like any stove knob and it activates automatically. From there, Klove will assist you like a personal sous chef for every step of the way. Don’t know what to cook? The Klove app comes with hundreds of recipes accompanied by conversational walkthroughs compatible with Alexa and Google Home. And, since Klove monitors heat settings and timing, the app will alert you whenever you are needed and remind you to turn off the stove when not in use.

Klove is additionally equipped with machine learning technology. This means, as you continue to use the knob it will learn your cooking style over time and adjust itself according to your preferences. Klove will also learn to include your prep time and calibrate recipe cook timings based on your experiences.

Behind Klove is IOK Labs Inc., a team of creative engineers and entrepreneurs with a mission to lead the smart kitchen revolution. They have recently received an investment from Google Executive Rajan Anandan and their India brand, IOT Pot has won Nestle’s “The Next Big Thing 2017” award.

Klove Knob is available for $29 and has been tested will all popular brand cook tops. Get yours here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/klove-knob-just-talk-and-cook-guess-no-more#/


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