Digital Marketing: Branching Out to Create New Streams of Revenue

The world of digital marketing is booming, to say the least with more business being handled online annually. There are so many opportunities to earn online whether it is selling products online or creating a blog to sell advertising space. Digital marketing agencies usually start by offering a few services only to branch out to become more of a full-service agency.

Establishing a company with a focus on certain services for a period of time can make it far easier to establish a brand name. The ability to offer a client a company that will handle all facets of their digital marketing is appealing to nearly all clients. Managing various contractors or companies can be nothing short of a nightmare and can turn into a full-time job for a member of the staff. 

Copywriting Service

The amount of copy that is required for large e-commerce stores is immense. Product descriptions on the labels of the clothes are going to be different than those online. The reason for this is that keywords can make a huge difference in where a product is ranked. The ranking on eCommerce giants like Amazon or Google shopping results. Building a team of freelancers along with a few in-house writers/editors can be enough to supply huge brands with millions of words monthly. Freelancers are always looking for daily work in order to maximize their income. Quality freelance writers that produce content fast can make a very healthy income. The project management system that needs to be in place for this needs to be optimized. The importance increases when handling hundreds or thousands of pieces of content monthly. 

PPC/Social Media Ads 

The world of social media is going to continue to grow with different platforms emerging and gaining popularity. The ability to write up social media ads that convert whether it is a national or local business can be valuable to businesses of all sizes. Facebook ads for those selling online using the drop shipping method are common and have a decent ROI when compared to other online ads. The one aspect to make sure that is reported clearly is the ROI per lead or per sale converted. Nobody cares about how many clicks an ad receives if it does not result in some sort of sale. 

Content Marketing 

Companies that provide writing services oftentimes charge an additional fee to publish the content on a website. This can help boost search engine rankings by putting the brand’s backlinks in the article naturally. Content marketing companies oftentimes create a quality piece of content for their client’s websites. They then create articles in order to link back to the resource. Backlinks with specific keywords will work wonders for search engine rankings. Organic traffic from a search engine has a far higher potential of purchasing something or turning into a lead than paid traffic of any kind. 

Content comes in the form of podcasting as well as videos that can be used to build backlinks as well. A podcast that gains traction in an industry can help build a brand name based on knowledge. Content that answers common questions or addresses problems that listeners could be having is important. The ability to reference a piece of content regularly will be very useful to those in your target demographic. 

Software Developed for Other Agencies/Marketers

After years of offering digital marketing services to a variety of clients, you will have a large amount of experience and data. Nobody understands what issues are common among digital marketing companies or freelancers like people that face them daily. Discovery of publishers or influencers along with a way to track the ROI on these campaigns is a perfect example. Internal systems that are built and optimized can be used as a platform. This can be a product that others in the industry might want to use to increase their overall productivity/quality of work. A tool such as a container registry will make for easy collaboration and storage of important information. 

Email Marketing and Outreach Services

Email marketing can provide results for relatively little investment of capital. The right writer for an email blast can intrigue those recipients and result in sales/leads. Outreach is also extremely important when it is to a publication to accept the content or to an influencer that a brand is looking to partner with. Outreach emails are discarded by nearly everyone if they are generic. Spammy outreach emails do not convert like customized pitches.

Branching out as a digital marketing agency can create a larger customer base. This can also increase the revenue generated from current customers. One thing to keep in mind is to not sacrifice customer service or quality of service offered as it could alienate loyal current customers. Take the time to assess what services can be offered by current staff and which services the agency will have to hire staff in-house. 


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