Apple TV Remote App Transforms iPhone Into A Siri Remote

Apple has come up with a new TV remote app for Apple TV. Using this app, you can do everything directly from your iPhone. Now it’s time to ditch the remote. Siri remote is a 4th generation smart TV remote. Apple TV was introduced in the market two years back. With iOS 10 Siti got a better and improved finish. Now it can control the TV instead of the remote.

It was a rumor that Apple would release a new app which would be accustomed with Siri and possibly could do everything a remote controller does.

New Apple TV remote App- Siri Remote App for iPhone and iPad  

iPhone or iPad users can download the app from iTunes at free of cost. A device running iOS 9.3.2 or higher can run this smart TV remote app.  If you are using an older version then also you can run this app. For that, you need to install the app version 7.2.1.

Siri Apple TV Remote App- lack of infrared capabilities may be a big issue in older iOS devices

You can change channels, program and even change the mode into “Game Mode”. It’s a brand new app for iOS devices. With the new Siri remote app, you may not regulate the volume of the TV and soundbars because older iOS devices did not have any infrared blaster!  But if you have iPhone 6, 6 Plus or 6S then don’t be worried. You have just touched the cluster level of running the app smoothly.

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