Freedom 251 To Be Delivered To 65000 Buyers

Maximum of us thought that Freedom 251 project was nothing but a scam by the company Ringing Bells. Breaking the silence the company declared that it would start dispatching first set of Freedom 251 mobile to its 65000 buyers. It has already taken the amount of the mobile, Rs 251 and a shipping charge of Rs. 99.

More than 2 million bookings were hit when it was showcased for the first time. And within few minutes all the bookings were received, and the website had gone unavailable (maybe, due to huge traffic).

Ringing Bells Freedom 251

The difference between manufacturing cost and the retail price of the product somehow uplifts the confusion in the mass. Even the 10 times price of the retail price it has tagged with is a good deal. But hardly a month ago, the company arranged a press conference and announced that there had been no scam on “Freedom 251”.

And now it seems that Freedom 251 is coming out. It’s time to wait for the reviews by the users. According to Ringing Bell’s officials, they are now ready to ship the first phase of Freedom 251 mobiles to the customers. Officially shipping starts from today. Shipping details will be shared via mail and SMS.

Now it’s time to see how the mobile meets the expectations of Indian people! Before a few months Ringing Bells requested Government of India to provide subsidy on the phone so that they could cope up with Prime minister’s mission 2020!- Digital India!

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