Resident Evil 7 has been in the news for quite a while. And here it is again revealing new updates regarding the game from Capcom. The latest developments have revealed that the game which primarily came out for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One is made available for the PC gamers as well. For the time being a demo version of the game has been rolled out and the developers are waiting with an expectant eye towards its sales.

The game Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour has been made available on Steam for the PC gamers to download. It is the demo version of the game, and the developers are very much excited regarding the fact that it is going to be one of the biggest hits in the recent times. As The University Herald reports, the gamer who is playing the game on the personal computer will see the protagonist waking up in the middle of a farmhouse where no else is there.
This initiation of the game itself sounds thrilling and hints at the fact that it is going to be a real hit among the gamers once it hits the market with the setting in of the new year. Experts have predicted that the game from Capcom is definitely going to be horrifying for the ones opting to play the game. Capcom has brought in a number of changes, and one of those is definitely the RE Engine in the graphics section. The updated graphics has a great role to play in the initiation of fear which the developers are expecting.
Expectations are so high that the publishers of the game are expecting to sell 4 million copies of the game when it is brought out on the market for the gamers. The demo version of the Resident Evil 7 was previously brought out for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. And with the demo version coming out for the PCs, things are bound to get even more interesting.
According to the reports, Capcom will officially release the game on January 24 in 2017. So we won’t have to wait for a long to get in touch with the full version of the game. Till then the gamers will have to be happy with the demo version only.