Latest Android Update Set to Bring Smartphone Feature in Google Pixel C

Google has always managed to come up with a number of new devices with every passing day. However, very few are aware of the fact that Google’s Pixel C is one of the better tablets that are available on the market. The latest update of the operating system that has been brought out on the market is expected to bring in a touch of the much more popular smartphone in the Google Pixel C.

Google Pixel C
Google Pixel C is expected to get a new look after the launch of the latest update of the Android operating system

It has always been one of the not-up-to-the-mark devices that are available on the market. But the new update of the Android operating that is estimated to come in the Google Pixel C is expected to bring in a change to the much less popular tablet from Google. It is predicted that the latest update of the operating will make it look a bit more like the smartphone in the Pixel line-up which will surely ramp up the sales of the tablet from Google.

Among the changes that are expected to come in with the arrival of the Android 7.1.2 update, Pixel’s phone launcher and navigation buttons are definitely going to be the addition that will make the consumers much more interested about the Google Pixel C. An icon similar to a smaller ‘G’ will open the search widget after the latest update, while one can get the access to the apps by swiping in the vertical direction from the bottom of the screen. The display icons of the device are also going to get a new look with the installation of the new software update.

However, the multitasking feature is something that will make it different from that of the smartphone. Reportedly there is going to be a grid of the eight most popular apps that one get access to at a go. A tap on that app is going to make it zoom it to full screen, and the rest will fit to the screen accordingly.

Hence with only a few days left to go before the rolling out of the latest update of the Android operating system, it remains to be seen how it fares. And it will be really intriguing for the tech enthusiasts across the world to see the Google Pixel C gaining prominence beside the Pixel smartphones. That will benefit the developers as well.

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