PlayStation has been one of the most popular gaming consoles that the world of video games has ever come across. From time to time we have come across a number of editions of the gaming consoles from the house of Sony and one of the most popular has been the Sony PlayStation 3. Of late we have received the news that the production of the PlayStation is going to be snapped shortly.

PlayStation 3 for the first time came out on the market way back in the month of November in the year 2006. 11 years on, it has managed to enthrall the gamers across the world with some unbelievable features. And the report carrying the news that the production is going to be snapped will surely come as a real shock for all.
Regarding when the production is going to be stopped has not been declared officially. But reliable sources have stated that it is going to be at the end of March that Sony will stop the production of new models of the Sony PlayStation 3. A retailer based in Kuruke, Fukuoka, Japan has come up with the confirmation that the end of March will see the end of the production of new products in the PlayStation 3 series.
However, it has been revealed that Sony PlayStation 3 is still going to be available on the market. The Charcoal Black variant of the PS3 which comes with an internal storage capacity of 500 GB was first brought into prominence on August 28, 2014. Reportedly, the remaining models are going to be the last one that will be there on sale for the remaining days. And that will eventually see the end of the production of the PlayStation 3.
Sony PlayStation 3 has been hailed as a better gaming console than the Microsoft Xbox 360 which was its prime competitor. And the end of the production of this popular gaming console from the house of Sony will surely bring an end to an era that saw Sony getting to the top of the ladder in the world of video games. Also, if this news eventually turns out to be true, it will surely bring into prominence the much rumored PlayStation 5 which has already gained great popularity among the fans.