Security in electronic gadgets has been one of the biggest talking points these days. And here is something new that McAfee has brought in for the users of the electronic gadgets. But the interesting aspect about that is the fact that the awareness program comes in the form of a video game. That will certainly be more engaging than any other way that they could have thought and the new game which they launched definitely give the users the required lessons regarding the importance of security on online platforms.

The new game which McAfee has launched comes with the title True Key Game, and it celebrates the World Password Day (May 4). In an official statement, McAfee has stated, “As part of one of the world’s most trusted cyber security companies, McAfee, we know a thing or two about protecting your privacy online and helping to create a safer digital world.” The blog added, “We want users to feel protected, and we know even small details count. We’re always striving to deliver features designed to increase security and simplify your life.” And they have further made it clear in the post that there are a few more features as well along with the mini video game.
Regarding the new game which McAfee has launched, it can be stated that it will certainly be able to make the users understand the importance of maintaining few norms when it comes to using passwords. True Key Game which is primarily a tutorial in disguise also provides the users with the information regarding the importance of multi-factor authentication.
Along with the game, as the report in The Web Reporters suggests, there are a few new features of the app which have been introduced as well. The Firefox and Edge browser extensions will surely make things much more enhanced for the users. Also for the users of iOS and Android OS, there is a new feature which enables the users to scan their credit cards and keep it safe as well.
To conclude it can be stated that the new game seems to be one of the better steps that can be taken in order to make the users aware of the importance of online security. And perhaps they could not have done it on a better day – the World Password Day.