E3 2018 – more confirmations than surprises

The 2018 edition of the E3 in Los Angeles gave videogamers more confirmations than surprises. Microsoft and Sony did not want to anticipate times and did not make any official announcement on the successors of Xbox One and Playstation 4, but also the other software houses have focused mainly on already established series and previously announced titles.

In short, today the video game industry wants to be on the safe side and to focus little on something new. Obviously, risks are risky but sometimes they are also lucky, just like winning with the Pennsylvania Lottery Bonus Code.

Electronic Arts was the first one to open the dance. Its conference focused a lot not only on Anthem and Battlefield 5, but also on the line-up of sports titles where a long-running rumor has been confirmed: Fifa 19 will have the UEFA license to propose the Champions and the European League in exclusive. Besides, a new video game of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has been announced. The only information available at the moment are the chronological period in which the gaming experience will be set, that is to say, between movie episodes 3 and 4 of the saga created by George Lucas.

It was then the turn of Microsoft that showed for the first time the new chapter of Halo, Infinite, and a trilogy of novelties for the series Gears of War with its special highlight undoubtedly represented by Gears 5, fifth main chapter of the beloved series. Presented also Forza Horizon 4 that, despite the many rumors published in recent weeks, will be set in Britain. Microsoft conference was also an opportunity for Capcom to unveil Devil May Cry 5 to the world, that however will be multiplatform coming in 2019 on Xbox One but also on Playstation 4 and PC.

Also Bethesda decided to propose new productions all related to the most successful series. Here is Doom Eternal, Rage 2, Fallout 76 and above all Elder Scrolls VI that in the conference room has triggered a real blaze. Also for Wolfenstein a stand-alone DLC is coming, entitled Youngblood, that for the first time will bring the series in the ’80s.


Square Enix has created a show case and not a real conference. People hoped to see something new about the Marvel Avengers project and, instead, the surprise was Babylon’s Fall, in development at the Platinum Games studios. Beautiful footage also for Just Cause 4, Kingdom Hearts III and Shadow of the Tomb Raider with a Lara Croft in great shape.

Ubisoft has created a really funny and spectacular show in which he has also focused everything on his most successful series. It started with Just Dance 2019 up to Assassin’s Creed Odissey, through The Crew 2, Trials Rising, The Division 2 and Beyond Good & Evil 2. The latter was shown through a trailer in a really amazing computer graphics.

Even Sony has shown novelties for the most anticipated titles of the coming months but already announced in other occasions. The Spider-Man of Insomniac Games, The Last of Us Part II, Ghost of Tsushima and Death Stranding have been appreciated by both the audience and the web, while the remake of Resident Evil 2 signed Capcom, which will arrive at the beginning of 2019 on PS4, Xbox One and PC, has been received with immense joy especially by those who loved the original title.

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