New Pokemon Go Event and Two More Gen 4 Pokemon Now Available

Niantic, the developer of Pokemon Go has kickstarted a new in-game event called Stardust Blast. This event is now live for a limited time and it gives the players a chance to earn the twice the amount of Stardust for capturing new Pokemon and hatching eggs. This event will continue till 4 pm ET on November 13.

Pokemon Go Togepi Pichu

Apart from this in-game event, Niantic has introduced two new special Gen 4 Pokemon. The adorable water-type Buizel is now available across the globe as a Raid Battle while another type, the pre-evolved form of Rosalia can be hatched from eggs. It may be recalled that Niantic also recently introduced a new Adventure Sync feature that makes it easier for the players to hatch new Pokemon. This feature will surely help the players to hatch Budew, the pre-evolved form of Rosalia easily.

Alongside the Stardust in-game event, Niantic has also introduced two new Pokemon for a short time to celebrate the release of Ingress Prime. Named as Cubone and Ponyta, these are two shiny Pokemon and will be available only for a short period of time. These shiny variants come in green and blue color respectively.

Meanwhile, Pokemon Go’s next community day event has been scheduled on November 10. The featured Pokemon this time around is the Generation 2 starter Pokemon by the name of Cyndaquil. If the players manage to evolve this Pokemon to its final form called Typhlosion within an hour after the event ends, it will learn the powerful attack called Blast Burn.

Alongside these new additions to Pokemon Go, the players still have the chance to catch Giratina, which is the first legendary Generation 4 Pokemon to appear in the game so far. Notably, Giratina arrived as a Raid Battle as a part of the recent Halloween event and it will remain in the game till November 20.

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