Mobile No Portability Rules Changed

MNP (mobile no portability) has changed in India. TRAI has put up a new notice regarding this. Some rules in the existing MNP process have been changed.

Now, within 2 days your no portability will be done if doing in the same circle while maximum 4 days for another circle.

Apart from this, TRAI has decreased the time of porting after getting the unique porting ID. Earlier it was for 15 days while with the new rule, users will get 4 days to submit the request for porting.

In the Telecommunication Mobile Number Portability (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2018, TRAI clearly stated, “Through this regulation (amendment), a major shift in the mechanism for generating Unique Porting Code (UPC) has been provisioned.”

So what you need to do if you are thinking MNP of your existing number-

  1. Send an SMS from the number you want to do MNP with by typing “PORT SPACE YOUR MOBILE NO” to 1900.
  2. You will get an SMS with a unique porting number.
  3. Within 3 days provide the necessary docs with the unique porting number to the retailer.
  4. Your new SIM will be activated within 2 to 4 days depending upon the circle you are porting from.

“To make the porting process faster and convenient, for all the cases except corporate porting cases; in the revised process for validation of conditions and generation & delivery of UPC; it has been provisioned to establish a query response mechanism to enable the Mobile Number Portability Service Provider (MNPSP) to query the database of the Donor Operator on real-time basis to obtain the response for the queries. Based on the result of queries made by MNPSP and fulfillment of other prescribed conditions, the allocation and delivery of UPC shall be ensured by MNPSP,” it said in the new papers.

The official release said, “Porting timeline of 2 working days has been provisioned for the requests of Intra-Licensed Service Area (Intra-LSA) numbers except the requests made under corporate category and the timelines of 4 working days has been provisioned for all the porting requests of Inter-Licensed Service Area (Inter-LSA)
numbers and corporate category.”

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