Google To Use Camera For Location & Navigation Support Soon

Google is more mature than us, even as a bot. You may forget the route to somewhere but Google map can help you out easily through its capability to detect your location by its real-time tracking feature and can also guide you to your destination easily using its AI algorithm and can tell you approximate time reach there by different modes! All of us are habituated with these things but might have not thought deeply about these programs.

But this time, Google is making its processes more intelligent and more accurate. The real-time location tracking system now can use your camera to detect exactly where you are and on and the side of the road you are precisely and will guide you through the camera lens if you want it to do so!

Let’s find out some more intuitive factors that can bring some more easiness to our lives. Google has announced a few things that are going to be a part of its navigation system in the future in Google IO developer’s conference this year. This feature is a mind-blowing one for sure. You just need to open your camera and to point at the nearest thing to discover where you are actually and how you should go around the roads to reach the destination! Isn’t it cool?  Now, use your phone camera to figure out your actual position. It will use an image recognizing feature that’s under development as per Google. It will recognize the images under the lens and will recognize the written texts and some other things and that will be matched with the Google’s business locations in real time and then the suggestions will arrive on your screen and all these into a few fractions of second!

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