Pokemon Sun and Moon released in November last year on the Nintendo 3DS to much hype, and since then the game has seen an inflow of new additions to keep players interested. To add to their ever increasing playable roster, the creators of the game have started teasing a brand new character that is due to arrive soon. Those who have completed the game will be able to get their hands on Marshadow soon. But details about the mythical, gray creature’s abilities are scarce at the moment.

There is a lot more that we do not know as well- the creators have not enlightened us about when this mythical new addition will find its way into the game, or even how we are supposed to get hold of it. All we currently have is a teaser that is supposed to give us clues about the basics but considering that it spans a little over 10 seconds, it falls frustratingly short of being an actual reveal.
All that is known about this new Pokemon is this: Marshadow is a dual type fighting/ ghost Pokemon that can stand erect on two feet (with some shadowy trails visible). It has a large, bulbous head with eyes that look fiery, thanks to their orange and yellow color combination. Its gray color changes to a brilliant green around its head and portions of its arms when in a fight or when delivering the Soul-stealing 7-Star Strike, its exclusive Z-move. No evolutionary forms are known of at the moment.
While we don’t know anything about the availability of Marshadow in Pokemon Sun and Moon, it might be brought in similarly to the character players had last received. Magearna, the seventh generation steel/fairy type Pokemon, had to be retrieved by scanning a QR Code using the game’s QR scanner. You can still get Magearna if you haven’t got it yet, but you need to finish the main story of Pokemon Sun and Moon first. Watch the introduction teaser of Marshadow below.