How To Install And Use Line in Laptop and PC

The line is one of the popular cross messaging platforms, more likely it is famous for its excellent stickers. Over 300 million Smartphone users use Line globally. Did you ever concern over running it on PC or laptop? Sounds crazy? No, it is real and can use in laptops and PC.   
You may have browsed here and there for knowing the steps for using Line on your PC and laptop, but have not gotten enough information. Your wait is over now. Read our whole tutorial and enjoy the Line in your PC and laptops
Steps in using Line in PC and Laptop
We know, after trying many times, it may seem very tough to you, but it is not that much utterly tough to install the Line on your PC and laptop. For this, you just have to figure out some technical steps that we are going to briefing below.
Using Line in PC and laptops does not require any extra hardware installation. It just needs an Android emulator to install the Line in your beloved PC or laptops. You have to keep in your mind that Line is made for Android operating system, and you can not use it on Windows or Mac without the help from many Android emulators. That’s why before trying the use of Line in the laptop, you need to know about the emulators first and download one of the emulators.
Android Emulator: Two famous Android emulators are in the market now. These are – (a) Bluestacks and (b) Andy.
As the initial move towards running Line in PC and laptop, you have to download and install one of these Android emulators, either Bluestacks or Andy.
Want to install the emulators? We have provided the direct links of these emulators for your ease in having the Line on your PC and laptop.
Click here for Bluestacks: Download Bluestacks
Click here for Andy: Download Andy
Step by step instructions to install Bluestacks/Andy:
At first, go to the official site both of the Bluestacks or Andy from the above-given links.
There in the site of Bluestacks or Andy, you can see download choices accessible for distinctive working systems like- XP, Xpsp2, Xpsp3, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Mac and so on.
  1. Select the working framework installed in your PC or laptop.
  2. Click on the “Install” catch.
  3. It will start installing the Bluestacks or Andy right away after the click.
It may take sooner or later relying on your systems RAM and processor, so keep relevance.
The most effective way to install Line on your computer or laptop utilising Bluestacks or Andy:
You can have a great time the information of Line in your PC and laptop through Bluestacks or Andy. However do you know, how? Experience the going hand in hand with steps.
In the wake of introducing Bluestacks or Andy, open it.
  1. You can see the “search” choices there on the right side.
  2. Go to the “search” option and sort “Line” there.
  3. Hit the “search” get and hold up for its installation.
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