Apple comes out with a list of cars supporting carplay facility

Carplay has been in trend for quite a long time. By now this facility has already made its place in the hearts of the  people who are love with driving and those who own an i-Phone. So whats new is  just the list which has been published by Apple. This includes the name of such cars which support the facility of carplay.

So lets just take a look at what is new…

Apple’s carplay facility was enhanced with the release of the list containing names of cars supporting carplay facility. Apple alongwith companies like Ford, Volkswagen and Chrysler made a splash at a press conference byspeaking about the infotainment app.

Apple Carplay

Carplay facility by Apple lets you to plug-in your i-Phone to your car and control communication and entertainment  by using the central display of the car. According to the latest update by apple regarding carplay, there are around 100 models of cars supporting carplay facility, which covers 21 brands. According to Apple, some cars listed already support carplay while some are yet to be launched. However, the older versions of the cars can also be upgraded with carplay by replacing the older music system with that of Apple.

Well! According to the trending events and news it seems that this year is going to be ruled by technological revolution in different fields. Wish you all a very happy tech year…

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