Android N Wallpaper: Download It From Here

Android N is an upcoming and most talked about OS. Being a very popular operating system that boosts over 1.4 billion users, the smallest of news about the OS gets us excited. After being surprisingly hit by the Android N developer preview, we now have access to Android N wallpaper. If you’re curios to know what Android N will look like once it starts hitting devices worldwide, download the Android N wallpaper.


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So far there’s only one wallpaper which is both minimalist and beautiful. It has a silhouette of a mountain range in the bottom and a pinkish sky towering over it. The wallpaper comes in pretty large resolutions 2331 x 1920 and 2880×2560 so that users don’t have to deal with blurriness. Want it? You can get it from here. Simple right click and ‘save image as’. Or you can download it by following the link provided below (See below the picture). android-n

Download: 2331×1920, 2880×2560

To recall, the latest Android version is rumored to have a ton of new useful features and even discard a few. Several fans are worried that Google’s new mobile operating system may do away with the – the App Drawer. While are okay with the change others don’t understand Google wants to fix something that’s not broken. Another speculation also doing the rounds is that future Android version will kill Chrome OS.

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As for the new features, Android N will have more efficient call blocking and call screening options, emergency information like your blood type, known allergies, date of birth, name, and your address, etc will be available at hand whenever required. Other than these in the upcoming Android versions users can change display size according to convenience. The notification panel will have a very different look in which, the panels seem clearer, clutter free, for the better. The highlight in the Data Saver feature that’l enable users to save data when they are not handling the phone. What the Data Saver does is that, it blocks background data usage in your entire device. The Android N is most likely to drop at Google I/O 2016 around the month of June.

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