Dota 2 has been one of the most popular multiplayer online game that are played over the world. And it is going to be great news for the gamers that a new update is set to come shortly. The Patch 7.00 update which has been reported to be coming for a long time in Valve free-to-play MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) is finally set to roll out with new features coming in. The new updates will bring a new hero the Monkey King besides the Hero Talent Trees.

This is going to be great news for the gamers across the world as it is revealed that the Patch 7.00 update of the game Dota 2 is going to include a new hero named Monkey King. He is such a character who can wreck havoc. One of the biggest power the character is going to possess is the Wukong’s Command which will enable the character to bring in a battalion of the monkeys who will be serving him during that combat. Also, Mischief is going to be one of the lethal powers of the new hero Monkey King as it will enable him to take different form whenever necessary.
Alongside the new hero Monkey King, one more new thing that is going to come up is the Hero Talent trees which enable the players to select a particular talent for the heroes before going on to play in few particular levels. And those are level 10, 15, 20 and 25. To incorporate the new Hero Talent interface lots of complex changes have come in which has been listed by Valve in the official site dedicated to this upcoming latest update. The Patch 7.00 update of the game Dota 2 will also bring in new HUD or Head-up Display. This will enable the gamers to have a better view of the maps and all the proceeding in the game.
Alongside these new inclusions, it is revealed in the reports of the Techtimes that there has been a new pregame namely “Pick Phase” and “Strategy Phase” included in Dota 2. Both these new pregames are quite interesting as it has been reported. The “Strategy Phase” provides the gamer a 30-second time to make plans for progress once the hero is locked. However, the ”Pick Phase” will enable the in to choose the hero and put filters in an easier way.
So going by what has been reported it can be said that the latest update of the game Dota 2 that is coming in the form of Patch 7.00 is going to the make the game even more interesting. The game is already a popular one across the world, and with these new inclusions coming in with the setting in of the Patch 7.00, Dota 2 is all set to become even more thrilling.