Among the top games that have hit the headlines in recent times, Pokemon Go is definitely one of those. Over a considerable phase of time, Pokemon Go has managed to grab the attention of the gamers across the world. And all the fans of the game will be extremely happy to come across the news that it is coming up with a new update very shortly.

The new update can be expected to be coming out perhaps within a week’s time as the data mining of the Pokemon Go APK 0.49.1 has been on for quite some time. And The Silph Road has come up with a number of codes which foresee a number of features that are going to be incorporated in the latest update of the game.
Among the latest updates, it is reported that one is going to be the number of Pokemon. It is expected that the number of Pokemon might just swell up by 100 as there are a number of cries that have been noticed in the codes of the latest APK of the game. This also promises the fact that it is not too far away from the moment that we will experience a new update which in turn has given rise to speculations that the moment could be in the next week.
It is reported that the Pokemon might be distinguished according to their gender in the upcoming update of the game. Other than this it is expected the gamers are going to get the opportunity to play with more number of ‘shiny’ Pokemon which are recoloured versions of the original ones. The upcoming update of the game is going to increase the number of these kinds of creatures which are very rare in the already present version of the game. Also, the gamers will be able to customise the avatars according to their wish. The customizations can be made in the hair, shirt, pants, hat, shoes, eyes and backpack of the avatars.
Another interesting addition that is going to come up is in the Buddy system which will be coming with a new position termed as Baby. Very few information has been received regarding this, but one thing is ensured that it is not going to have any relation to the Breeding.
Besides this news regarding the upcoming, one more thing that has hogged the limelight is the reported collaboration of the makers of the game Pokemon Go and Starbucks. The USA-based restaurant Starbucks is going to be the sponsor of the Pokemon Go in the coming days. This is going to be very similar to that what happened a few days back when the team up happened between them and Macdonald’s. Almost in the same line, Starbucks is going to host new gyms and Pokestops at as many as 7800 stores that are spread across the nation. Along with this Starbucks has come up with a new Frappuccino dedicating it to the new treaty between them.
Regarding the update of the game Pokemon Go that is speculated to be coming up in the coming days, it can be said that the game is definitely going to be even more exciting with the new inclusions. And we have to keep waiting in order to find what the update actually brings in when it is announced officially. Whether there is going to be something more than what the data miners have revealed or is it going to be exactly what it has been told remains to be the debate which will come to an end only after the latest update of Pokemon Go is made a reality.