It has been just a few months that the Dark Souls 3 has come out on the market. And fans are eager to know whether there is going to be a sequel to the Dark Souls 3 or not. There are few news and updates that have come up regarding the Dark Souls 4 which is not at all enough to make sure when the game is going to come out. But the gamers across the world are expectant enough that Bandai Namco Entertainment and FromSoftware would come up with Dark Souls 4.

In the article published on the web page of Gamingphobia, it has been stated that there are enough chances that we might come across the Dark Souls 4 although no one is quite sure when the game is going to come out. It has been revealed that Hidetaka Miyazaki had uttered few words which have suggested that there is a big chance of FromSoftware and Bandai Namco Entertainment releasing the fourth edition of the game Dark Souls sometime later on.
In the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2016, Miyazaki has been asked a number of questions regarding the prospect of Dark Souls 4 being released later on. In the presence of a translator, he said that the Dark Souls 3 is not going to be an end to the Dark Souls series. He has been quoted saying, “As president of From Software, I’m not completely denying the possibility of bringing back the franchise (Dark Souls) in the future.” But there were no such words which had clear hints of the fact that Dark Souls 4 is going to come out for sure.
Miyazaki’s words might sound contradictory as he has reportedly said that they would love to keep the uniqueness of the Dark Souls franchise intact which might just not be possible if there is a new game in the series. These words do leave the fans in a kind of doldrums about the fact whether there is going to be Dark Souls 4 or not.
But it can be stated for sure that Bandai Namco Entertainment and FromSoftware is not going to release the Dark Souls 4 very soon. The developers might have plans for an altogether different game which will take the franchise forward. Even if there are plans for Dark Souls 4, the game is not going to come out anytime soon. And for any sort of news regarding the game Dark Souls 4, we have to keep on waiting. The wait is definitely going to be a long one for it was only in April 2016 that Dark Souls 3 came out. Hence fans of the Dark Souls franchise should keep their patience intact while expecting an update regarding the game Dark Souls 4.