Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Marauder Trailer Shows Off Some Orc Action

Monolith Productions has released a new trailer for their Tolkienian game Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, which celebrates the bling and glory of the Marauder Tribe. In it, you can see the Orc faction bring forth their best act at intimidation by brandishing gilded weapons and sputtering threats. During the end of the 1-minute clip, you also get to see all those menacing gestures being put to good use. Everything in the new video is remarkably different from everything we have seen before. Have a look at it below.

After being in the shadows for a while, Middle-Earth: Shadow of War was finally announced in February this year. However, while the developers had earlier targeted an August launch, its release date has now been pushed back to October 10, 2017. The game comes as the sequel to 2014’s well-received Shadow of Mordor, which had received special praise for its Nemesis System. In the new game, this Nemesis System is being built upon even further- something that has been detailed by Monolith on several occasions.

Monolith has said that the primary reason behind the delay in release was to make sure Shadow of War was perfect before engaging players. The game will also offer support for Xbox One X, due for launch in November. While discussing the process of adapting the game to the specifications of the new console, lead engineer Matt Allen told Gamesindustry.biz: “From a content standpoint, it didn’t take long to get it working. From an engineering standpoint, because it shares a lot of DNA with Windows 10 – and we are already running on Windows 10 – it took our engineering director about a day to get it running on the original Scorpio kits. It wasn’t perfect; there were edge cases, so it involved a bit of tinkering, but it was not a lot of extra work.”

Some of the main challenges, Allen said, had to do with adjusting the game to the One X’s HDR requirements, which took them about a month’s time to make perfect. However, he assured that the process was not nearly as difficult as people may assume.

Besides the One X, Middle-earth: Shadow of War will be playable on the Windows 10 PC, PS4, and Xbox One when it releases in October.

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