HTC is one of those brands which have seen a favorable response from its customers every time it has introduced new devices or new ideas. The Taiwanese giant is also one of the world’s fastest providers of some of the most modern technologies; it is also one of those companies which had said that they would deliver the Android Oreo update to the HTC 10 model. For some time, the update was indeed delivered.
Then, suddenly, the update was canceled. Exactly why this was so is still not known. Now, the company has announced that all the models of the HTC 10 will again start receiving the update. Normally, the update would have arrived slightly earlier; however, it now seems that the users of the HTC 10 in India will soon receive the update. Should the report indeed be true, all the users of the models in India will all be extremely happy.
Most users and recipients of the Android Oreo OS have been extremely happy with their experiences. Some of the most popular features of the latest OS which the HTC users will receive include: picture-in-picture mode, Smart Text Selection, and Notification Dots, as well as Android Instant Apps. A new Auto-fill process is also in the fray as is the Google Play Protect. The OS has also improved booting time f the devices on which it is running. The users also benefit from the extended battery life and the newly redesigned emojis besides a lot more other features.

There was some initial speculation over why the company, HTC, had suddenly canceled the update. While those speculations have been put to rest now, we have to wait and watch how events unfold. In case you do own an HTC 10, you must watch out for any notifications regarding any incoming updates. Watch this space for more.