Reasons for Hard Drive Failure

The people can regularly back up the data and avoid the loss of the file and folders in the computer.  You can face the hard disk failure due to various reasons. The disk failure has occurred at any time. The hard disk failure is the frustrating situation for many of the computer user. You can face the permanent data problems due to the disk failure.

You can face the severe issue when the hard disk is failed. You can look at the common reason for such failure and know the better way to avoid it early. You can closely watch the below common problem of the hard drive failure. You can minimize the risk of the failure by considering the common reason. While many methods you can use for hard disk recovery ,it’s to prevent the reasons for hard disk failure.


Here are the common reasons for the hard disk failure

Manufacturer or firmware fault:

You can purchase the branded hard disk that works for well for your needs. There is some agent sell the fault disk to the users. After few days,  you can face the problems on the disk because of the manufacturer fault. The agent can sell the disk without the proper examining and testing and directly sent it to the customer.

You can face the symptoms like

  •         The computer never detects and recognizes the hard disk
  •         The system fails to boot and hand the system when it comes to booting

In case of the manufacturer fault, you can immediately contact the manufacturer. You can get the customer care number for getting the new hard drive. You can make sure that that hard drive is properly checked or not. You can get the new drive and get the previous data.


It is the common problem of the hard drive failure. This also creates the situation of the hard disk crash. The overheating problem has occurred simultaneously. You can face the problem because of the improper maintenance of the computer, bad quality cabinet box, bad CPU fan and others. These things cause the overheating problem.

The high power supply is also the root source of the overheating problems. This one affects the hard disk severely.

  •         The CPU fan move slowly inside the case
  •         The cabinet produces the unexpected noise and sound at the booting time

You can find the best solution for avoiding the overheating problem. You can check the fan and others in the cabinet. The proper maintenance can improve the life of the hard drive. You can never face the hard drive failure.

Power failure:

This one causes the major and minor issues of the hard drive. During the power failure, the system can automatically turn off. For this concern, you can make use of the UPS to avoid the drive failure problems.

The UPS provides the uninterrupted power supply to the system during the power failure.

  •         The BIOS unable to detect the system hard disk
  •         The system cannot spin the hard disk

You can make sure the proper UPS for the computer. It provides the excellent power backup to the computer. The computer will never shut off while this type of device.

Concern the mechanical failure:

The mechanical failure in the hard disk is happened because of the internal failures. The mechanical failure can include the spindle motor fail, power problem and lot more.

The old hard disk can cause such type of problem and affect the other things also.

  •         The hard disk makes the sound while starting
  •         The users cannot able to see the files and folders in the computer system

You can update the computer on the regular basis by avoiding such issues. You can install the antivirus program to scan the entire computer system. You can never forget to update it timely. You can keep up the hard disk in a good condition.

Unwanted corruption of files and folders:

This is normally caused due to the unexpected system shutdown, accidental cancellation, unwanted malware programs and others. The frequent power failures also corrupt the files and folders on the computer. These reasons play a vital role in corrupting the files and data.

  •         You cannot access the files and folders save in your computer
  •         The operating system never boot the hard disk

You can never turn off the computer without closing the files and folder. You can consider the better way to shut down the system after complete the work and closing the documents. You can avoid downloading the application from the unwanted resource. You can install the trustworthy software in your system.

[[Note: So it’s obvious that you should have some sort of recovery options installed in your system to stay in the safer side. There are many good free data recovery software available in the market for Mac and Windows OS, and you must have at least one of them to retrieve your data if you ever accidentally loose them.]]


The users can follow the above reason the hard disk failure. You can concern and avoid such things to reduce the risk of the hard drive failure. You can make use of the quality hard driver in your system. You can avoid the common problem of the drive failure.

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