WeatherAtPoint is Your Personal Pocket-Sized Weatherman

A few weeks ago I planned a day hike at a nearby spot with some friends. It was something I wanted to do all summer, but kept putting off due to mismatched schedules and days of unbearable heat. Leading up to the day, I checked the weather app on my phone periodically and all seemed a-go. However, when the day finally came the weather for the day went from sunny to partly cloudy and then within 5 minutes of the hike, the rain started coming down with no end in sight. I think we all can relate – sometimes weather apps just don’t know what they’re talking about.

All of this could have been avoided with WeatherAtPoint BLE – a new gadget by Mind Lab Solution that hit Indiegogo this week. WeatherAtPoint is a tiny personal weather station that provides you with the most accurate weather data possible so your day’s plans are never ruined again. It aggregates extremely local and timely weather measurements which can be seen right from the palm of your hand.

WeatherAtPoint works by connecting via Bluetooth with your phone. You can check out hyperlocal weather data anytime and anywhere without internet and get instant information about temperature, humidity, UV levels, atmospheric pressure and ambient light. You’ll also be able to store and share your weather measurements with other users on the WeatherAtPoint database. Using WeatherAtPoint is also easy. All you have to do is turn it on and open the app and you can instantly view real-time data.

WeatherAtPoint is available now for pre-sale on Indiegogo.

By pre-ordering the device, you’ll receive 55% off the retail price.


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