Far Cry New Dawn, Trailer Reveals a Lot

Far Cry 5 is coming into the market soon and a trailer of the Far Cry 5 Spin off and its sequel New Dawn is released. Once you have seen the full trailer you can understand one thing that the players will unite and work together with the main antagonist of Far Cry 5, the father or Joseph Seed!

You might recall what happened in the last session when it was ended with a note that nuclear bombs had been deployed all over all world and you as a player got into a bunker with Joseph Seed. Now, in this sequel, the story starts from just after all the nuclear radiation washed away and dusts settled. All the other characters in the game desperately looking for the character that you had been playing on, Deputy rook.

We are giving you some clues. Just after the last Prophecy which was the last mission and after that all the players got stuck into the bunker and at that point of time Far Cry 5 was ended. You, as a Rook have survived after losing his friends and the mental condition isn’t so good also. After different gunfights Rook survived and all the players will be engaged into a new fight soon in this session. Far Cry Dawn will be released on all the platforms like PC, PS4 and Xbox on 15th February 2019. We assume that it’s the first time that Far Cry is going to be a sequel though earlier versions were not engaged in any sequel also.

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