Google Assistant is Now in Google Map Also!

Area of functions of Google Assistant is increasing day by day and now it’s making its way to Google Map as well. Google is trying to integrate the logic of assistant in almost all apps of it and Google map, being the first app integrated with the assistant has shown some unique feature upgrades that we have never thought of. Let’s check what’s new it’s offering with the new upgradation of the map featuring the assistant.

Google has announced that they are up to upgrading the assistant to such a level that can take care of many things including making phone calls and book an appointment. It adjusts itself according to your behavior and does almost all the things that we do with the phone. Well, by this we are going to submit our personality to this smart assistant.

As of now, Apple users need to install the separate app of Google assistant to try the smart functionalities. Now if you are going with live navigation, you can go handless even without the help of the Siri.

Well, the assistant is way smarter than we think. Users can manage flight booking and all the things including digital boarding pass too! Google is expecting to have more than a billion of devices onboard soon using the assistant. It’s expected to have more than 100 million users in the US alone. With the help of this, new Google map is getting more smarter and with this, we can even navigate through the shortest route while going handsfree.

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