How to Root Android Smartphone without PC and Laptop

All Android users cum researchers may have root Android Smartphone before, but did you do that without your PC or Laptop? No? Sound crazy? It’s really my friend; you can now root your beloved Android Smartphone without your boring PC or Work alcoholic Laptop!

How to Root your Smartphone without PC and Laptop: Feeling excited? Don’t worry; at the first time when I was introduced to this amazing process of rooting experience, I had seen the whole way of how to root our Android Smartphone without any intervention from desktop or Lappy.

Root Android Devices

For this, you need to have the SuperSU application. Yes, this amazing application will power you and enable you to root your Android phone in just a single click. This application currently supports the Android version of 4.0 to 6.0. Yes except the last Android Oreo version! As Rooting of your Smart device can unleash a tonne of new experience and put up all the restrictions. But you should know that a single mistake can make your phone nothing but a priceless paperweight in a second.

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What are the advantages of having SuperSU Application?: Why will you use the application? The reason is that the SuperSU can root your Android phone without touching either the Kernel or flash! Hence you will be more secure that mistake can’t happen by the application itself during the process of rooting.
#Warning: You should remember that rooting your device will void your warranty. So, it is advisable that you can root your device once the warranty period gets over!
Download the Supersu Zip first and see the list of the phones which it supports. Find the model of your phone there. Once it’s confirmed that the App supports your phone, install it and go through the tutorial available on it first. Then just go through those simple steps involving your answer- Yes/ No. That’s all. You will have your phone rooted after a while.
Rooting the Android device has not been that easy at all before the SuperSU had come. This is one of the fastest ways to root your Android device, mobile, Phone without any help from the bulky PC or Laptops.  

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